No, seriously, you never understand how nice weekends are in high school. Even if you're in some kind of sports, or band, or whatever, you never realize how nice it is going to school from 8-3, with weekends off, and evenings to yourself. Even if you have homework. Once condemned to the world of retail, forget it.
Now, I know there are other industries, with more demanding hours than retail. Don't get me wrong. Medical workers, city workers, police, fire fighters...and the list goes on. I sell lawn mowers. Definitely not as demanding as performing emergency surgery on a car accident victim, intervening in busting up a gang, or diving into a burning house.
But, I will be honest, I feel like at least those lines of work are appreciated for what they contribute. I may not be saving and protecting people, but hey, when you NEED something for your house, you're running to where I work (or somewhere like it). Or the grocery store. Or Hey! I wanna go shopping! So you head to the mall, and enjoy your time out, your new purchases, and your chance to play (even though your credit and debit cards and checkbooks detest it lol). Remember the little guy (so to speak). We're there busting our butts, so you have a great time, or making sure you get matched to the product that suits your needs the best. And frankly, most of us are lucky to make money that puts us at the Federal Poverty Line. I'm not gonna go into politics, but I will say, at least be appreciative. The pay ain't great, the hours suck, and most the time we go home with sore feet and backs, but if you at least appreciate what we do for you, I promise you, that goes a LONG way. It may not pay the bills, but it does make us feel better about our station. Or at least makes it tolerable.
So that said, I was off work yesterday at 2:30, and had today off. I actually got to enjoy hanging out with friends, and goofing off, and had a bit too much to drink without worrying about working hung over. Always a good thing. I definitely appreciate when I get a weekend or even part of a weekend. I actually get to spend time with my husband--even if it's just hanging out in the same room--or work on my yard (STILL a work in progress), or go to the gym, or clean, or just lay around. Or maybe I'm even the one finally getting a weekend to go shopping (and my credit cards and debit card hate me lol). Whatever it is I end up doing, I like having a chance once in a while to relax.
Enjoy your weekends people. Not just so you can sleep in and all that. But really enjoy having 2 days, back to back, where you get to appreciate time to yourself, and really don't have to worry about asking for 2 guaranteed days off. Work 5, rest 2. It's a nice little comfort despite everything else. I never knew how much I would miss a solid schedule like that.
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